Authors |
Gulyakov Alexander Dmitrievich, Candidate of juridical sciences, associate professor, Rector of Penza State University (40 Krasnaya street, Penza, Russia),
Salomatin Aleksey Yur'evich, Doctor of juridical sciences, doctor of historical sciences, professor, head of sub-department of theory of state and law and political science, director of the Center of Comparative Legal Policy at Penza State University (40 Krasnaya street, Penza, Russia),
Abstract |
Background. There is a widespread opinion that the USA was the first federative state. But it’s necessary to explain the reasons and consequences of this project. Why it was so unique? Why it differed even from another federative states in Anglo-American World such as Canada or Australia?
Matherials and methods. The authors applied economic social data, opinions of the contemporaries to demonstrate the desirability of a federal union for the former American colonies. The Federalist papers created by A. Hamilton, J. Jay and J. Madison contain arguments for the formation of the American federative state.
Results. The authors claim that a whole set of different factors has furthered the formation of a classical model of federalism. In a few years the Confederation of in-dependent states has transformed into the Federation owing to adaption of the Con-stitution in 1787.
Conclusions. The American federalism was of an innovative nature as well as the whole American civilization, unrepeated in another parts of the world. In densely populated and feudally burdened Europe there were not any conditions for a federa-tive project in the late 18th century. In other pioneer countries (such as Canada or Australia) no anti-colonial or freedom movement helped to inspire federative states. On the contrary, Canadian or Australian federalisms were initiated not from the grass roots but mainly from above.
References |
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